Monday, July 10, 2006

July 10th, 2006 - Pirate Cove: The Coloring Book!

As promised, here's another preview of what you would find if you happened to stroll past the PIRATE COVE table at the San Diego Comic Con next week! The Pirate Cove Coloring Book contains 19 black & white line drawings, culled from years of convention sketches, random doodlings, and promotional works. The Coloring Book sells for $1 so adjust your budgets accordingly ;)

But the Coloring Book isn't all you get for your hard earned cash! While supplies last, we'll even thrown in a box of crayons so you can start coloring Brian in his Bigfoot costume right then & there! NOW how much would you pay? Well, it doesn't matter because we won't accept anything more than the cover price.

"Is there anything else, Joe? Is that ALL you'll have at Comic Con?" you ask.

Maybe. But probably not. Come back again next Monday and perhaps I'll have another preview for ya! Let's see how much work I get done this week...

- J!


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